Friday, December 30, 2011

Steps involved to capture time automatically in WebPay

Steps involved to capture time automatically in WebPay

1. Enter the Employee in biometric database either manually or create a schedular to capture the employees from WebPay database.

Whenever an employee is inserted in Webpay a column(Updation_flag) in Employee Master table  is ‘N’.

Updation_flag Char(1) Default 'N'

To create the schedular to capture the employees from WebPay database you can use this flag and make that ‘Y’ after capturing. 

2. Send the punch time data in TrnPunchTime table whenever a punch is made in biometric machine. For this use the following table structure:

Table Name TrnPunchTime

Column_Name       Type        Length      Description
Pk_Id             BigInt      -           Identity Column (Auto Generated)
fk_emp_code       VarChar     10          Employee Code
DeptccCode        VarChar     10          StaffID / CardID
TrnDate           DateTime    -           Punch DateTime

Note: You only need to send TrnDate as datetime and fk_emp_code in case card id and employee code is same or DeptccCode in case card id is different from employee code. No need to send both fk_emp_code and DeptccCode.

3.  Whenever you insert the punch time record in TrnPunchTime table remember to insert all the previous punch time records in WebPay database which are not inserted in WebPay database due to network failure or any other disinterruption between the two databases.

Blog by BBSPL

Difference between Pension wage and EDLI wage

Difference between Pension wage and EDLI wage

The employee whose PF is deposited but pension is not deposited are included in EDLI wages.  Reason can be attainment of pension limit age of 58.

For e.g

Employee E0001 has a Basic wage of 10000 but no Pension is desposited, 100% amount is deposited as EPF. Let's take 10000 as Basic Wage for E0001. Employee's PF is deposited on the basis of actual basic and not the 6500 limit.

Employee E0002 has a Basic wage of 6500 and Pension is also desposited. In this case 6500 is PF / Basic Wage and 6500 is pension wage for E0002.

And to calculate EDLI, we consider 6500 for both the employees.

Therefore in above example:
Basic Wage is 16500 (10000 + 6500)
EDLI Wage is 13000 (6500 + 6500)
But Pension wage is 6500 (6500)

Remember  EDLI wage is also limited to 6500 like Pension.

Blog by BBSPL

Friday, December 23, 2011

Changes in Report Builder

Changes in Report Builder

Please download the Presentation file from here.

Some important changes have been done to the report builder, which are explained in the slides along with the snapshot.

You will also find some slight change in looks of Report Builder.

Some Important Changes:
a). Sorting
b). 3 level Grouping
c). Edit Reports

Blog by BBSPL

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

PAN of Landlord mandatory for exemption of HRA - If rent exceeds Rs.180000 PA

Greetings of the day!

This is to bring to your notice a very important amendment made in Law by way of Annual Circular on Salaries. In the cases where annual rent paid by the employee is more than 180,000 (i.e. 15,000 per month) HRA exemption will be available only if PAN of the Landlord is provided. The relevant extracts are reproduced below

Further if annual rent paid by the employee exceeds Rs 1,80,000 per annum, it is mandatory for the employee to report PAN of the landlord to the employer. In case the landlord does not have a PAN, a declaration to this effect from the landlord along with the name and address of the landlord should be filed by the employee.

For detailed Circular please refer the attached file. For specific reference you may refer 5.2 Incomes not included under the Head "Salaries"(Exemptions) Point 9 Page 24

Thus to summarise:-

Obtain landlords PAN if rent exceeds Rs. 15,000/- per month

1.Employees who are paying rent of more than Rs. 15,000/- per month (more than Rs. 180,000/- per year) and claiming HRA benefit and are compulsorily required to furnish the Permanent account number (PAN) of the landlord to its employer in order to claim the HRA benefit.

2.In case the landlord does not hold a PAN, then in such a situation, a declaration is to be obtained from the Landlord confirming that he does not hold a PAN. Such declaration must be signed by the landlord with complete name and address and identifying himself by mentioning his valid ID number (like DL, Adhar, pass port, etc.). Copy of declaration format attached.

3.In case any of the above documents are not provided by the employee to his employer, HRA benefit cannot be provided.
 Actions required

1.The employees should be informed about this requirement and advised to obtain the PAN of the landlord immediately. If the PAN of the landlord is not furnished by the employees before the furnishing of the dates of actual proofs (before January 2012 payroll run ), then in such a situation the HRA benefit shall be withdrawn and the additional tax liab ility for year 2011-23 may be recovered over Jan-Mar 2012 period.


1.There are no alternatives or options provided in the circular if PAN / declaration is not available. Thus if the PAN / declaration signed by the landlord is not available, then in such a situation HRA benefit cannot be given to the employee from the ongoing year i.e. 2011-12 onwards

Download the circular from

Download the Employee Declaration Form from


Vikas Sapra

P.S.: Credits for the above information: Mr. Kamal Tejwani, practising C.A. in Delhi.
Webpay, An HRMS and Payroll Solution

Monday, November 14, 2011

Generating TDS Calculation of All Employees (including Finalized) in Webpay

Generating TDS Calculation of All Employees (including Finalized) in Webpay

Please download the presentation from the below mentioned link and see how TDS calculation is done by Webpay. Excel is generated from Webpay.

TDS Calculation by Webpay PPT

Blog by BBSPL

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Employee Master Pension Option Issue Resolved

In employee master the pension option remained unchecked if Customized PF option was enabled but PF option was disabled. Because of this pension was not deducted in audit module.

This has been solved.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Greetings of the day!

Wishing you, family and team a very happy and prosperous Diwali. Please find below mentioned Webpay Release Notes for Oct. 2011.


Miscellaneous Changes

OD & Tour Request\Approve OD & Tour Request (Empuser) : Online Od\Tour\mispunch process is now working according to Request level as defined in leave and template (same as online leave request).

OD\Tour\Mispunch Approve-Reject: Online OD\Tour\mispunch process is now working according to Request level as defined in leave and template (same as online leave request).

Employee Master: You can now assign same pf_no, Esi_no to employee when previous employee gets finalized.

Import monthly attendance:Import attendance now displays proper message for finalized, invalid and suspended. You can now import the exported sheet.

Import employee detailsàImport Employee qualification details(New form) : Import qualification form, new form to Import\export qualification.

Employee Master\ Import Employee Master : Option to assign Sanction Authority (Reporting Manager) is now available in Employee Master and Import Employee Master Forms.

Employee Master\ New employee master\Import employee master: Option to assign“Amount Paid In”. This refers to to the currency code in which salary is being paid to employee.

Sanctioned leaves with LWP & unauthorized leave details : In Leave Sanction Form, employee’s leave balances are shown.

New menu in ESS (Employee birthday and anniversary list): Now birthday and anniversary list can be generated month wise.

Upload Employee Document on ESS Portal

A new form has been created in Web Pay for upload document on ESS Portal. This enables you to upload a particular document for a particular employee.

You can find this new form in Web Pay -

Import-Export à Import Employee Details à Import Employee Document

Steps to upload documents:

Step-1: Create a new folder and write the folder name without any space.

Step-2: All documents should be collected in this folder and then compress the folder in zip format.

Step-3: Use option “Select Document File for Upload” to upload zipped file.

Step-4: Click on “Search” and generate the excel sheet. Specify From_Date, To_Date, File_ Name with extension, Folder_Name in which all documents have been collected employee wise.

Step-5: Use option “Select Excel File to Import”. After successfully importing excel file all the documents get published on ESS portal between as per the dates mentioned.

You also have the option to delete some or all documents.

Salary Slip& Register

FrmPaySlipConfigure:           A new field is added named Leave Encashment days on Payslipconfiguration form. If Checked then it shows Leave Encashment Days on Salary Slip With Leave Details

Change button Caption (Before Preview Report) (Now Go To Preview Report)

Reimbursement Slip: Previously on publishing reimbursement slip it was not checking the existence of PDF file in the company folder. Now it is solved

TDS Estimation Slip: Gender removed from the mail body that was used while sending TDS Estimation Slip in pdf format.

Give selection criteria for Salary Register Head Wise: (Configuration à Company Setup à Salary Slip & Register Configuration)

1. Columns in which zero amounts come should not be published.

2 Incentive Column
3. PF A/c No. Column
4. PF Admin Charges Column
5. EDLI Column
6. ESI Employer Column

Arrear Change: Manual arrear import error solve : If user adds an extra column in the excel file then system shows proper message.

Recruitment Module Changes: Import CV Form: User can select the excel file & zip file of CV’s to import. Earlier there was a major issue that you had to copy the CV’s (Doc, PDF files) on the server and then only import method used to work. Now there is no need to put these documents on server. All you have to do now is, to zip the folder in which all CV’s are stored. Import the zipped CV folder and also the excel sheet in which you have mentioned the parameters and the file path and name.

Global Settings: A new option has been added in global settings. Earlier, if the company was using Biometrics / Export House attendance then there was problem in calculation of audit values which are used in export house. Now this has been resolved by inserting a new option in global settings. With this option we are able to deduce if the attendance being used is biometric machine or not. Therefore Audit calculation does not get effected.

Please feel free to call me or email me with your queries.

Enjoy the festive season.


Vikas Sapra

Saturday, October 1, 2011

To process reimbursement we have to unlock same month salary

To process reimbursement we have to unlock same month salary.

This is optional. If you are using Pay in Paycode option; then you should always process reimbursement before salary process.
Reason: You are inserting the claim amount in one of the paycode which is part of salary. Therefore the procedure should be to process reimbursement first and then salary.

Blog by BBSPL

Not able to process reimbursement as per empl present days of current month.

Not able to process reimbursement as per empl present days of current month.

You can process reimbursement as per the present days of current month. Let me explain the process:
Step 1: You create Medical Paycode and choose the property as Present Dependent.

Step 2: You mark attendance

Step 3: You enter claim and bills; choose pay in paycode option

Step 4: You process reimbursement

Step 5: You process salary and tax

Blog by BBSPL

How to process F&F of employee?

How to process F&F status of employee in future month i.e. an employee is not processed for 2 months & then inputs are received for processing including the months not processed?

If there is no input of the employee then you should process the employee with zero paid days; so that the values are stored in the database for the employee for each month. For eg. You do not get input for June and July, so you process with zero paid days for June and July; and hold the employee. This way the database would have the values for June and July. Now in Aug, you get to know that the FNF is to be done. You are informed that the DOL is 20th July so you have to pay the June and July salary; and also to deduct Notice Pay.

Steps: Now you process Arrear for June (Full month) and July (20 Days) payable in Aug. Go to FNF module choose 1st Aug as Settlement date, DOL being 20th July. Process Aug attendance and mark all days as LWP so that no amount is processed for Aug. Now you insert the notice period payment (remember the paycode of notice pay should be created and mapped with notice pay).

Blog by BBSPL

Monday, September 12, 2011

Import Salary Structure Invalid Formula

Import Salary Structure Invalid Formula

Reason: There must be a formula which is either wrong or the formula may contain a paycode which is not active.

The message you get on the screen at the time of importation of salary structure is "invalid formula". Thereafter you need to look for the formula which might be wrong or contains a wrong value or a reference of a paycode which is not active.

Blog by BBSPL

Saturday, August 27, 2011

ESI Question and Answers in Webpay

ESI Question Description
1 What is ESI and Why it is necessary ?
Employment State Insurance is a social program that contributes to the insurance fund of all workers by providing assistance to workers and their family who need the medical assistance.

2 How ESI is assigned to the Employee ?
First of all we make the ESI option enable on company level.The ESI account and ESI max amount should be declared on the PF/ESI/PT configuration form.The paycode which is being assigned to the employee,should be part of esi gross and then ESI option should be enabled on Employee level

3 On which paycode , ESI is deducted ?
Deduction ESI on paycode,is company's perogative.Usually it is deducted on Basic,HRA,conveyance,spl allowance ,Food allowance,OT etc.

4 What are the necessary steps of checking if ESI is not being deducted in Webpay?
Check the ESI option at Company level, then move to ESI account percentage in configuration, then check if the employee's ESI option is enabled.

5 What are the max limits of ESI?
At present the ESI Limit is Rs.15000, this can be modified from configuration.

6 What are the accounts ESI viz. Employee part and Employer part?
In ESI fund, Employee deduction and Employer deduction are deposited.

7 What are the percentage of above accounts?
Employee account is 1.75% and employer account is 4.75% of ESI GROSS.

8 How ESI is calculated and distributed amoung Employee and Employer accounts?
If employee's ESI GROSS is less then or equal to 15000 then ESI would be calculated as follows. If ESI GROSS is Rs. 10000 and payable days is 30 and calendar month is 30 then Employee's part is (10000*30/30)*1.75/100 .Similarly Employer part would be (10000*30/30)*4.75/100.

9 What happens with ESI if employee is kept on HOLD for any month?
IF DEPOSIT ESI OF WITHHELD EMPLOYEE option is enabled then ESI would be deposited in payable month .If this option is not enabled then ESI of HOLD month would be deposited when the salary is released.

10 What is the ESI gross salary?
It is sum of the amount of the earnings of the paycodes which are part of ESI GROSS.

11 What happens when DEDUCT ESI ON ARREAR option is not checked on the PF/ESI/PT config form?
If it is not checked then, only salary ESI would be deducted from the salary. Arrear ESI would not be deducted.

12 What happens when round ESI amount separately on ESI gross option is enabled in configuration?
If is enabled then Arrear ESI and Salary ESI is separately rounded and stored; and then added to payable month. But when It is not enabled then Arrear ESI and salary ESI is added and then rounded.

13 What happens when ESI is negative?
It becomes zero.

14 What is ESI subscriber?
It is count of the employees whose ESI is deducted. Deduction may be zero amount as it depends on the salary earned.

15 What are the various ESI forms?
Forms are Monthly ESI statement, ESI Challan, Monthly ESI return, Form 5 and Form 6, ESI Declaration Form.

16 What is the ONLINE ESI CHALLAN ?
When Challan is created online then it is online ESI challan, In that case we have to upload the ESI Gross of each employees only.

17 What happens if the DEDUCT ESI on OT option is enabled in PF/ESI/PT config form?
In that case ESI would also be deducted on OT amount.

18 What happens when Do not deduct ESI on arrear alone, deduct ESI cumulatively in salary process option is enabled?
If this option is enabled then ESI is deducted on Arrear and salary amount cumulatively.

19 What is difference between Part of ESI Rate Gross enabled paycode and Part of ESI Gross enabled paycodes?
Part of ESI Rate Gross enabled paycodes represent the salary which is used to compare the total value of these paycodes to the ESI limit (15000, at present) and Part of ESI gross paycodes represent the salary on which ESI contribution is calculated.

In case you feel there is any information which is misrepresented or wrongly mentioned, plese email us at

Blog by BBSPL

PF Related questions and answers Webpay

1. What is the PF and why it is necessary?
Povident Fund (PF) is a benefit for the employees. Employee contributes 12% of his monthly basic earned salary to the PF account (A/c 1). The employer contributes 3.67% to the same account (A/c1) and 8.33% to A/c 10. It is a type of saving to the employee. The employee can avail loan from the PF account also. At the end the employee can close the PF account and withdraw the amount along with interest.

2. How PF is assigned to the Employee in Webpay?
Assigning PF in Webpay includes few steps. First of all we enable PF for the whole company, assign PF Limits and declare store PF accounts percentage in PF/ESI/PF configuration form at a company level. After this we enable the PF and Pension deduction in Employee master on Employee level. After this we have to make the paycode(Basic) as a part of PF Gross on which PF has to be deducted and then we assign the Basic paycode to the employee.

3. On which paycode PF is deducted?
On Basic and DA, PF is deducted

4. What are the necessary steps of checking if PF is not being deducted in Webpay?
If PF is not deducted of any employee then first of all we have to check the company level PF settings like PF enabled or not, PF Limit and PF accounts, after checking these, we will move to employee level setting like PF enabled or not, similarly PF limits and then we will check the paycode, which is part of PF gross; and whether that paycode is assigned to the employee or not.

5. What are the limits of PF?
At present there are two kinds of PF limits. One is 6500 which is statutory limit and other is Basic which is 999999999 (Max).

6. What are the accounts PF viz.,AC1, AC10 , AC2 ,AC21 , AC22? What are the percentages of these accounts?
AC1: 12% of earned basic wage of employee, 3.67% of Employer contribution are deposited and amount greater than pension limit of Rs.541 (over and above after calculating at 8.33%). AC10: 8.33% of earned basic wage or max 541 are deposited. AC2 (Admin Charge): 1.1 % of basic wage of employee. AC21 (Admin Charge): 0.5% of either Basic wage or Pension wage or EDLI wage. AC22 (Admin Charge): .01 % of either earned basic wage or pension wage or EDLI wage. Whether the admin charge (AC21 and AC22) would be deducted on basic or pension wage is opted from PF/ESI/PT configuration form. AC1 is EPF account, AC10 is Pension account and AC2 ,AC21 and AC22 are the admin accounts.

7. How PF is calculated and distributed among different accounts?
If employee's Basic is 20,000, employee's limit is 999999999 (Max) and payable days for the month of april is 15 days then payable Basic would be 20,000/30*15 that is 10,000. Since PF is deducted on earned wages, therefore, PF would be 10,000*12% that is 1200. Now AC10 is 8.33% of 10000 (Basic) that is 833. Since in AC10 we can not deposit more than 541 ,hence the remaining amount (833-541) that is 292 would be deposited to account AC1 along with Employees 12 % of Basic. This means in AC1 there would employer 3.67% and employees 12% of PF are deposited that is 1492 (292+1200) and in AC10 there would be 541 deposited. AC2 would be 1.1 % * 10,000 that is 110. AC21 and AC22 wages selected on BASIC and PENSION wages respectively in config form, then AC21 would be 10,000* .5/100 that is 50 and AC22 would be 6500*.01% that is .65 Rs (65 paise).

8. What is the Employee PF and Employer PF?
Employee contributes 12% of his monthly earned basic salary to the PF account and the employer also contribute 12% to the same account. Employee's PF is totally deposited to AC1(EPF) account and employeer PF is divided into two account viz. AC1 and AC10. Employer is also to bear the admin charges vi.z AC2, AC21, AC22.

9. What is the concept of CTC?
CTC means Cost To the Company, therefore employer's contribution is part of CTC. Employer's contribution is 12% and 1.61% toward admin charges.

10. Why is 13.61% (employer PF share) deducted from CTC to calculate supplementary allowance?
In CTC salary structure, employer PF contribution is part of CTC. Total contribution includes 12% of PF, 1.1 % of AC2 , 0.5% of AC21 and 0.01% of AC22. It becomes 13.61% in total.
Important Note: Earlier when the CTC concept was not prevalent, the limit was 6500 and employer PF contribution was not part of CTC.

11. What happens with PF if employee is kept on HOLD for any month?
There is an option in the PF/ESI/PT configuration form i.e. whether PF of employee whose salary is being withheld needs to be deposited or not. If the option is checked then PF would be deposited when the salary is withheld else it would be deposited in the month salary is released.

12. What are Basic Wages, Pension Wages and EDLI wages?
If the Limit is maximum (Actual earning) (999999999): In this case earned basic is Basic wage. If the Limit is 6500 and if basic is greater than 6500 then 6500 else Basic would be the Basic wage. Pension Wage: if Basic is greater than 6500 then 6500 else Basic would be pension wage but pension wage should be enabled. EDLI Wage: If Basic is greater than 6500 then 6500 else Basic would be EDLI wage.

13. What is prorate PF contribution (Calculate PF Proportionately)?
If Calculate PF Proportionately is enabled in PF/ESI/PT config form then PF would be deposited proportionately. Example if Basic is 10000, Limit is 6500 and payable days is 25 days and calender days of the month is 30 then PF would be = 6500*25/30=5417, Similary if flag is not checked then PF would be 6500 because earned basic(10000*25/30) is greater than 6500.

14. What is prorate Pension contribution?
If deduct pension wage prorate option is enabled in PF/ESI/PF config form then in AC10, pension would be deposited on the basis of payable days, remaining amount would be deposited in AC1.

15. What are Exempted and Non Exempted establishments?
If company is Non-Exempted then AC21 amount is deposited in Admin account and if company is Exempted then AC21 amount is deposited in Inspection account which is shown on PF challan form.

16. What happens when DEDUCT AC10 ON ARREAR on following case in Webpay?
a). ALL b). None c). New joinees
AC10 is Pension account. "All" here denotes that for all the employees the appropriate contribution would be deposited under AC10. "None" here denotes that for no employee contribution would be deposited under AC10. "New Joinees" denotes only for new joiners.

17. What is voluntary PF and under which account it is deposited?
If Employee wishes to contributes extra towards their PF fund then the amount contributed over and above PF contribution is known as Voluntary PF. It is deposited in AC1 of Employee EPF fund.

18. What happens when PF is negative?
If PF comes out to be negative then PF becomes zero,

19. How PF is deducted on arrear and is deposited with subsequent account to payable month?
For Example:- If Arrear PF is 240. In which AC1 is 73 and AC10 is 167 and payable month PF is 780 then AC1 would be (239+73) and AC10 would be (541+167) to the payable month PF accounts.

20. What happens with If Round PF Amount separately on Arrear PF Gross ?
If Round Arrear PF amount separately opton is enabled then arrear PF account and payable month PF account is rounded and stored in database and then added but if it is not enabled then Arrear PF is added to the Payable month PF amount and then rounded off. With this in some of the cases there might be a difference of One Rupee.

21. Why PF is deducted on Leave Encashment? (Now it is NOT, earlier it was)
Since Leave encashment is calculated on Basic, hence, PF was deducted on Leave encashment but now it is not deducted.

22. Whar do you mean by EPF subscriber, EPS subscriber and EDLI subscriber?
EPF subscriber: It is the count of employee's whose PF is payable in the given month. Payable amount might be zero. EPS subscriber: It is the count of employee's whose pension is calculated. ELDI Wages: It is same as EPF subscriber.

23. What are the Statutory forms of PF?
Statutory Forms of PF in Webpay are: PF form 5: New joinees details. Form 10: Left employee details. PF challan: PF challan deposited monthly. PF form 9: First time Establishment details. PF Eligibility Report: To count the month wise subscriber. PF 12 A: It is PF return. PF 3A: Whole year PF details. Form 6A: Yearly PF return, deposited at the end of March. DBF: It is deposited along with FORM 6A. PF FORM 2: EPF and EPS nominees details.

24. How subscriber is calculated on PF FORM 12A?
On PF 12 A total subscriber is not calculated as no. of count of given month. It is calculated as previous month total subscriber adds with given month new joiners and substracts with previous month left employee. For Example: If I have to calculate the May month subscriber than i will have to take April month total subscriber and it would be added with May month joiners and substract with April month left employee.

25. How can you check PF challan amount and subscriber if client raises a question on it?
Total Subscriber can be checked from Monthly PF statement details. Basic wage is the total basic amount of the subscriber. This amount should be equal to column 6 of the Monthly PF Statement. Employer share of contribution is the AC1 of the employer share. It should be equal to column 9 of Monthly PF Statement. Employee share of contribution is the total PF of the employee. It should be equal to column 7 of the Monthly PF Statement.

Capturing attendance through SMS in Webpay

Capturing attendance through SMS in Webpay

In WebPay option to mark attendance is available. Following point should be kept in mind while sending attendance SMS:

SMS format for In time:
companycode in empcode
eg. Itsource in e0001 (Here Itsource is the company code (this is given by the SMS gateway provider), in refers to timein, e0001 is the employee code

SMS format for Out time: Itsource out e0001

When user sends attendance via SMS he/she will get reply SMS immediately:
“Sender is EmpCode and message is In”

When user sends wrong SMS (or SMS format is not correct) he/she will get reply SMS immediately: “Invalid msg.”

Please note that empcode doesn’t have any special character.

Please note that it is to be configured for each company separately.

Blog by BBSPL

Friday, August 12, 2011

Federal Bank Report Format in Webpay

Federal Bank Report Format in Webpay:

To get the last row i.e. Company Bank account in the Federal Bank Report in Webpay, please go to menu Assign & Process --> Enter - Update Payment Details. Here in you need to record, when did you transfer the payment and from which bank account of the company.

Now generate the Federal Bank Report.

Blog by BBSPL

Friday, July 29, 2011

Arrear Calculation Problem in Webpay

Arrear does not calculate in Webpay

1. If you are entering arrear days as 10.00 then try entering only 10, the problem might get resolved.

If the problem still persists then raise a ticket at

Blog by BBSPL

Thursday, July 14, 2011

ETDS Validation

Please check following step for ETDS validation through Webpay:

1. All employees pan number must be uploaded in webpay.

2. Deductor details must be fill.
Configuration menustatuary settingscreate-update tax deductor.

3. Bank branch code must be created
Configuration Company Misc. settings Branch Master.

4. Challan must be creating of all months of that quarter in serial number wise.
Taxation Create-update tax challan

5. Generate ETDS file
Taxation menu Generate E-TDS

6. Save ETDS file then prview and download quarter wise form24Q.

7. Download ETDS validation utility through link:

8. Extract it and validate Form24Q.

Blog By Webpay

Thursday, June 23, 2011

TDS paymonth wrongly calculated

Pay month TDS is wrongly calculated in case of reimbursement paycodes.
1. Paycode is Partial Taxable, Reimbursement Type, Variable, TDS to be deducted paymonth and Part of Gross. (This is only in case when reimbursement is variable and tax deduction is pay month and not when reimbursement is fixed).
2. You assign 7,500 to the reimbursement paycode in the month of May and you upload the bills of 7,500 for the same paycode in the month of April.
3. Here the TDS is deducted on the amount in the paymonth because the amount is paid in May and bills are uploaded in April. Change the bills month from April to May and the TDS will not be deducted.
The reason to this is that this a variable paycode and variable paycode amount and bills are set off in the same month.
Medical Reimbursement paid in June = Rs.3,000 (And this is variable paycode and tax to be deducted in pay month)
Bills uploaded in May=Rs.3,000
Exemption will not be given because amount is paid in June and bills uploaded in May. If both are in same month then exemption is given.
Blog by BBSPL

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Failure sending mail or mail not sent

Failure sending mail
1. Check the smtp server configuration in Webpay
2. Check if the server has anti-virus installed, if yes then disable the setting in anti-virus i.e. Email Scan Protection. The setting email scan protection should be disabled.

Blog by BBSPL

Monday, June 13, 2011

PDF file does not create

PDF file does not create in Webpay

1. POP up: Check if the pop up blocker is enabled, disable it.
2. IIS Reset: If first option does not work, then reset the IIS.
3. Restart Server:If second option does not work, restart server.

Blog by BBSPL

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Arrear does not calculated correctly

Arrear does not calculate correctly

In one of the cases at our clients place the arrear was not calculated as per the desired result.

Reason: The paycode was runtime and had the formula "Case when Paiddays >15 then 1000 else 500".

In the above case when the arrear is processed the formula is read and it works accordingly; it does not give the differential arrear. However if instead of 1000 and 500 (the values) if we had replaced it with paycodes then it would have executed as desired.

Blog by BBSPL

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Attendance Time in and Time out management (biometrics)

Attendance Time in and Time out management

Menu direction: Leave & Attendance then Capture Punch Time then Capture Punch Time

You will select the type of file:
The options are:

1. Access Database: The access datebase should be on the same system where the application is present that is on server and it should be present on any of the drive.
2. Excel sheet: There can be two columns for date viz. in date and out date; and there can also be a single column for date. There can be either one column where time in and time out is stored or there can be two columns, one for time in and other for time out.
3. Text file with Tab : This file is basically used to import the text file in a specific format. This is client specific format.
4. Dat file : Same as Point 3
5. Text file without tab : This is used when records are present inside the text file without tab just spaces are there so for this purpose we have to calculate the length of that field
If you choose importing Text file without tab then enter the field starting position count and the length of that field. Let us suppose that first row is like this '1 4356 ert 20100923 1003 09:25' and in this string '1003' is employeecode '20100923' is date and '09:25' is Time then in Empcode Enter 20-4 where 20 is the starting position and 4 is the length, for date enter 11-8 where 11 is the starting position and 8 is the length and for time enter 25-5 where 25 is the starting position and 5 is the length.

Blog by BBSPL

Monday, June 6, 2011

How to add bank account of employee in Webpay?

How to add bank account of employee in Webpay?

Step 1. Enter Bank And A/C No. Of Employee
Go to EMPLOYEE menu then Enter Bank And A/C No. Of Employee

Step 2. Mark employee payment mode
Go to EMPLOYEE menu then Mark Employee Payment Mode

If you want to change Employee payment mode in a particular month then Go To Step 1 and enter Bank and A/C no. Of Employee. For Ex. If you Want to change Employee payment mode to Bank from Cash (Bank Account no. is a must When payment mode is Bank).

Then Go To Step 2 change the Employee payment mode
A. Pay Type : Select pay type
B. Pay Mode : Select Pay mode
C. Enter effective month & year
and changed Employee payment mode is effective from the date entered by you in "Enter Effective Month & Year"

For Report :
1. Open Employee Payment Mode Details : To Check

Go To Reports then Employee Reports then Employee Payment Mode Details

2. Open Payment Reconciliation Statement

Go To Reports then Employee Reports then Payment Reconciliation Statement

Blog by BBSPL

How to create bank and branch in Webpay

How to create bank and branch in Webpay

Step 1 : Create Bank Master
CONFIGURATION then Company Miss. Settings then Bank Master

Step 2 : Create Branch Master
CONFIGURATION then Company Miss. Settings then Branch Master

Blog by BBSPL

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Employees not coming in bank report

Issue: Employees not coming in bank report / salary transfer details.
Issue: All employees do not appear in salary transfer details report.
Issue: All employees do not appear in bank report.

Solution: Open Payment Reconciliation Report from Reports shortcut on dashboard or go to Reports then Employee Reports and then Payment Reconciliation Report.

In this report you would get all the employees whose salary is processed including salary transfer to bank or paid in cash or paid by cheque or no payment mode assigned.

Blog by BBSPL

Leave Encashment in Webpay

How to process Leave Encashment in Webpay?
1. Create the formula for the leave encashment for eg. Basic/30.
2. Create paycode of leave encashment which should be mapped with leaveEncashment.
Paycode should be variable type, partial taxable (999999999) and not present dependent.
3. Create leave from leave master and make that leave as cashable (Cashable should be checked) and also assign the formula that you have created above.
4. Leave that you have created must be assigned to employees.
5. Now you can process leave encashment using individual form or import method or through FNF.

Blog by BBSPL

Friday, June 3, 2011

LWP shown on salary slip do not match attendance excel sheet

LWP shown on salary slip do not match LWP shown on attandance excel sheet

Reason: You import the attendance sheet with let's say 5 LWP's and then go to attendance adjustment and make LWP as 4 and process the salary. In this case LWP shown on salary slip would not match the LWP shown on attendance excel sheet.

How to resolve: Unlock salary and import the attendance excel sheet with 4 LWP's and then reprocess the salary. Now the LWP shown on salary slip would match the LWP shown on attendance excel sheet.

Blog by BBSPL

My salary structure report in ESS does not show all paycodes

My salary structure report in ESS does not show all the paycodes

Reason: Paycodes which are part of CTC are shown in the salary structure report.

Blog by BBSPL

Loan paycode does not appear in loan module in Webpay

Loan paycode does not appear in loan module (I am unable to find loan paycode in the loan module that I just created)

Answer: Please check if you made the loan paycode as loan type or deduction type. It should be loan type and then only it appears in loan module.

Blog by BBSPL

Company PF Number

Company PF Number / Company PF No.

Where to enter company PF number
Menu Direction
1. Configuration
2. Statutory Settings
3. PF / ESI/ PT Configuration

Blog by BBSPL

Where to generate LWF report in Webpay?

Where to generate LWF report in Webpay?

Menu Direction
1. Import-Export Menu
2. Export LTA / Sodexho, LWF & FBT Request(s)
3. Export LWF

Blog by BBSPL

Bank Report

Bank Report Generation / Salary Transfer to Bank
Menu Direction
1. Reports
2. Monthly Reports (Salary, Variance, Reimbursement, Arrear, JV, Email etc.)
3. Salary Transfer Details or Salary Transfer Details with Ref. No.

Blog by BBSPL

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Last month LWF

If you forgot to deduct LWF last month then you can deduct LWF for last month using import manuall arrear.

Blog by BBSPL

Import ESI

If you forgot to deduct ESI last month and now you wish to deduct ESI for last month and current month together then you can import the collective ESI using the form cpayroll/frmImportESI.aspx.

You will not find the form under Import menu. You need to write cpayroll/frmimportesi.aspx after payroll and the form would appear. Thereafter you can import.

Blog by BBSPL

Attendance Process Audit Module

Attendance process Audit Module:

When you wish to show audit details differently i.e. as per their audit settings then you must do the following:

1. Create user group id "Audit"
2. Create a user and map it with user group "Audit"
3. In Audit settings form save data for all types of shift

Blgo by BBSPL

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Super Annuation Perquisite

Super Annuation Perquisite calculation in Webpay

1. Create a paycode by the name Super Annuation with following properties
Part of Gross: No
Part of Tax: No
Present Dependent: No
Calculate at Runtime: Yes
Mapping: Super Annuation
Formula: Yes (as mentioned below)

2. Create a formula for Super Annuation (Basic * 15%)

3. The limit of Super Annuation should be in Company Configuration Table. At present the limit is Rs.1,00,000.

Eg. Basic per month = 100000
Super Annuation = 15% of Basic = 15000
Annual Super Annuation = Rs.1,80,000
Perquisite Value = 180000 - 100000 = 80000

Blog by BBSPL

Monday, April 25, 2011

Access denied at the time of setting up database

Access denied at the time of database setup
If you get the error as Access denied at the time of company setup then give the permission to Aspnet user and SQL user.
Blog by BBSPL

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Configure Webpay to Static IP Address

Configure Webpay to Static IP Address (Router Configuration) ; Advanced Setting --> NAT --> Virtual Server Application: Choose Http ; Start Port Number: 80 ; End Port Number: 80 ; Enter Local IP: For eg. ; Then click on Save ; Blog by BBSPL

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Webpay does not work from LAN

Webpay does not work from LAN

You need to switch the firewall Off.


Allow the service in windows firewall

Blog by BBSPL

Thursday, March 31, 2011

New JV Graph Report in Webpay

A new JV Graphical report has been added to Webpay.

Please click here on the link below to view a sample report.

Blog by BBSPL

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Change in Employee Master

Change in Employee Master

The effective date under the head Position Details has been changed to Settlement Date.

Blog by BBSPL

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Helpdesk Ticket Changes in Webpay

Helpdesk Ticket Changes in Webpay in Mar 2011
1. Helpdesk Ticket Category: No major change except the caption is now dynamic i.e. you can choose what to call it.
2. Helpdesk Query Category: No major change except the caption is now dynamic i.e. you can choose what to call it.
3. Helpdesk Location : New Form
4. Pending Due to: No major change except the caption is now dynamic i.e. you can choose what to call it.
5. Helpdesk Labels: New Form. In this form you can create the labels for forms Point 1 to 4 which are at present mentioned as Category, Query, Location and Pending Due to. This means you can decide on the nomenclature yourself. The three parameters viz. category, query and location are used to decide on the ticket response authority. You can now map the users as per these three parameters. Earlier it was only available with category. But still these two new parameters viz. query and location are not mandatory to be mapped with the user who is suppose to provide the response.
6. Helpdesk Ticket Authority: Changes done in this form is that you can now assign ESS users (Employees) to respond to ticket. This way you do not need to give access of company admin to the users who are to respond to tickets. They can do so from ESS. Secondly, there is a major change i.e. you can give authority to the users as per Category, Query, Location and Effective Date. Therefore if a user A is assigned one category, query and location and you wish to also assign another user to do the same then you need to enter the effective date. This means that one user can provide help for one type of combination at one point of time and the combination is Category, Query, Location and Effective Date.
7. New form added in ESS where by the employee can give reply to the tickets. Blog by BBSPL

Changes in Webpay with regards to Salary Structure Import method in Webpay

Changes in Webpay with regards to Salary Structure Import method.

The following change effects only import salary structure and not the individual salary structure assignment form.

Objective: The users of Webpay (Company Admin) can now be mapped with the template and the paycodes in the template. When the user logs in then he/she would only be able to insert the paycode which he/she is authorized to. Even if there are more paycodes in the template but you have assigned fewer to the user, the user can only insert which he/she is authorized to.

To use the above you need to do the following:

1. Map the user with the paycode in user administration section. However this process is not mandatory, if you do not wish to map the users with paycodes the process would work as earlier.

2. The user logs in and uses the import method to assign salary structure

3. The user would only be able to view the paycodes he/she is assigned with and also insert only those.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Changes to Form 16 in Webpay

Form 16 Source: Changes:

  1. CIT Address, City and Pin Code added in Form 16. You can add this in TDS deductor master under statutory settings menu

  2. In Form 12 BA TDS range added: You can add this in TDS deductor master under statutory settings menu

  3. TDS Certificate No.: Default value picked is Company Name + FY + Empcode. However you enter the value yourself in employee master under Position details of employee. You will find TDS certificate no. field there in. Whatever you enter would get published in Form 16.

  4. Taxable Reimbursements like Medical and LTA are added under Section 17(2) Perquisites. To do this there is change in paycode master. You need to map the Medical and LTA reimbursement with Section 17(2).

  5. A new section 17(3) profit in lieu of salary is also added in paycode master. You can create a variable paycode and map that with Section 17(3).

  6. Section 80 CCF is published separately in Form 16.

  7. The amount is now right aligned.

  8. The son and daughter caption used for responsible person is picked as per gender selected for responsible persion in deductor master.
Blog by BBSPL

Monday, March 21, 2011


Create Lock/Unlock Month:
Now user can create or lock / unlock month and year according to location mapping with user group.
1.Menu Configuration for ESS:
Tools-> User Administration-> Create-Update ESS Menus: Now user can Create and Manage ESS menus.

This means that you name the menus and decide the series of its appearance.
2.Password Configuration for ESS:
Configuration-> Company Setup-> Global Settings: Now user can restrict the employee to change the password as per the configuration in the payroll. E.g. minimum number of characters in the password, capital letters or numeric or special characters etc.
Approve changes by employee:
Bulk data updation process: Here you can approve the changes made by the employee in bulk.
Upload Expense & other Details:
Expense process upload on admin portal updated. ESS report for viewing the expense data created. On salary register head wise an option given to view the net salary with the expense uploaded by admin.

Salary slip with tax details:
On salary slip with tax details branch micr code was not publishing now rectified.
1.Salary Transfer Details:
On bank report checkbox added for one time selection of bank checkbox list.
2.Global Settings:
Now No. of days of leave encashment to be calculate for exemption from global settings.
1. Manage LWF deduction on arrear by adding a flag on PF ESI configuration form.
2. Add two more formula head to calculate the formula with PF employer & PF employer with admin charges.
3.Resume import form for import the new candidates resume for schedule the interview of the new candidates.
4.Tax Process:
Added Superannuation perquisite calculation on tax process:
Process: To calculate the superannuation perquisite from Webpay first map the superannuation paycode with “superannuation perk” and enter maximum exemption of the superannuation in the tax settings.
5.Tax Calculator:
Created tax calculator in admin and ESS module. With this the employee can check how Webpay has calculated and how employee can save tax. With this tool the employee would stop disturbing payroll team asking tax related questions.
Now paid days are calculated in attendance process, earlier it was at the time of salary process.
1. Adjust Leave is concept by which we can increase and decrease leave balance. And in all transaction leave balance will be automatically reset.
2. In the earned leave employees earn the leave for next year according to their working in current year. For example
In 2010 an employee has 240 paid days. If company provide 1 EL for each 20 paid days then in 2011 the employee would get 12 EL
. 12 EL's will be credited.



View Profile on ESS:

On edit view profile qualification option added. Now employee can edit the qualification details also.


YTD Register:

In YTD Register search criteria given for employee type
Form 27 A:
Form 27 A cost center wise report.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Unable to use formula in excel report in Webpay

Unable to use formula in excel report in Webpay

To execute the formula in the excel sheet you need to change the format of the columns in the excel sheet to "GENERAL".
Select the whole sheet --> Right Click --> Format Cells --> Number --> Select General and Click OK. Now you would be able to execute the formulas. The excel sheet that is published is in Text Format because if the employee code is 0001, it would change to 1 in excel.

Remember if the employee code is like 0001 then do not change the employee code column format.

Blog by BBSPL

Thursday, March 17, 2011


1.User Right Master:
Single datagrid given in the user right master in admin portal.

1.360º Appraisal Module:
360º Appraisal Module (NEW MODULE) added in HR menu
2.Company Menu Re-arranged:

CONFIGURATION : ‘MASTER’ has been replaced with ‘CONFIGURATION’. All Company setting forms, Master forms, Slab forms, FBP format form, Reimb. Cover letter forms are here with arrangements of new Sub-Menu.
EMPLOYEE: All employees’ related forms are here as likely before.
LEAVE – ATTENDANCE: Leave & attendance related forms are here for Settings, Request and Reports.
IMPORT – EXPORT: Import-export forms have been re-arranged.
TAXATION: Taxation forms as it is except Tax Setting, Deductor & Slab that are now ‘Statutory Settings’ of ‘CONFIGURATION’.
APPROVALS: This is new main menu that have approval related forms except Leave.
ASSIGN & PROCESS: ‘ASSIGNMENT’ has been replaced with ‘ASSIGN & PROCESS’. All previous forms have been rearranged. Assignment related forms as Salary Structure, Arrears, Reimbursement claims; Loan-Advance, Shift, and Overtime are now under Submenu ‘ASSIGN’.
HR: ‘HR Details’
has been replaced with ‘HR’. Now two Submenu ‘Recruitment’& ‘360* Appraisal System’ have been added from previous.
REPORTS: Reports have been arranged by new Submenu as ‘Monthly Reports’, ‘Master Reports’ etc.
TOOLS: FAQ, Query Builder, Dynamic Caption, Disclaimer, License agreement, User Administration submenu now are in this new Menu.

3. Parameter Settings:
We have Remove some fields from Parameter Settings and added into Taxation Menu in Tax Setting form mentioned below:
1. Chapter VI-A Approval
2. Max. No. of request for investment declarations
3. Default document status for Chapter VI-A declarations
4. Senior Citizen Age
5. Deduct whole TDS on Arrear amount (Pay month)


Thursday, March 10, 2011

How to request a rejected leave in Webpay

How to request a rejected leave in Webpay

You can edit the rejected leave in the ESS and resend it for approval.

Blog by BBSPL

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Changes in Direct Income Tax Calculation

Changes in Direct Income Tax Calculation

Budget Highlights - Direct Tax

The key Direct Tax proposals are as follows:

• Basic exemption limit marginally increased to benefit individual tax payers.

Basic annual exemption limits have been altered, as follows:
Current Slabs (INR) Proposed Slabs (INR) * Rate of Tax
Up to 160,000 Up to 180,000 Nil
160,001 to 500,000
180,001 to 500,000 10%
500,001 to 800,000 20%
Above 800,000 30%

– Basic exemption limit for resident women below 60 years of age remains unchanged at INR 190,000 per annum.
– Qualifying age for resident senior citizens reduced to 60 years from 65 years and the basic exemption limit increased to INR 250,000 from INR 240,000 per annum.

A special category of ‘Very Senior Citizens’ has been introduced for resident individuals of 80 years or more. The basic exemption limit for such individuals has been increased to INR 500,000 per annum.

• Employer contribution towards pension scheme shall be excluded from the limit of 1 lakh provided under Section 80CCE.

• Specific deduction allowable to the employer on contributions towards the New Pension Scheme upto 10 percent of the salary of the employee.

• Additional deduction of INR 20,000 u/s 80CCF for investment in long term infrastructure bonds is extended for one more year.

Blog by BBSPL

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Confirm investment for tax calculation

1.Export proposed investment and view this sheet, then select radio button of confirmed amount then import this sheet.

2. Import HRA (you can import annual and monthly HRA details)
3. Import other income (interest on house properties, loss of house properties etc)
4. Process salary and go to tax process then select document submitted then process tax.

Blog by: BBSPL

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Managing Previous Employer Taxable Salary in Webpay

Managing Previous Employer Taxable Salary in Webpay

You can enter the previous employer net taxable salary, PT deducted with previous employer, Chap. VIA investments declared with previous employer under 80C (including previous employer PF) and interest paid on hosuing loan declared with previous employer in Webpay.

In Tax calculation in Webpay the Net Taxable salary of previous employer is added and Chap. VIA, PT deducted by previous employer and interest paid on housing loan is also considered. When you generate TDS estimation slip then previous employer details will be shown but these details will not be shown under Form 16.

Blog by BBSPL

Friday, February 18, 2011

What is Superannuation?

Superannuation Fund is a retirement benefit plan for the employees. This is mostly managed by companies like Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC).

The company contributes 15% of basic earned wage and deposits it to LIC. This is / can be invested by LIC Fund Managers thereafter. Tax is deducted by the companies on superannuation amount on month on month basis. Tax is deducted on annual amount more than 1,00,000.

When the employee retires, he / she can withdraw 1/3rd from the fund. The rest is converted into capital for payment of annuities. The annuity amount varies depending on the age of the employee, his/her fund size, what option the employee is asking for viz. monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual payments of annuity.

If the employee resigns, the employee can transfer the amount to the new employer. If the new employer does not have superannuation scheme option then the employee can withdraw the amount and the employee needs to pay taxes. The employee can however may not withdraw and retain till the superannuation age.

If you find any problem in explanation please revert back to

Blog by BBSPL

Friday, January 28, 2011

New ESI Challan for Online Submission

New ESI Challan for Online Submission

You will find a checkbox option where you create ESI CHALLAN, named as Create Type.

If you check the option save button hides and new button as "create online challan details" appear on the form. On clicking excel format with ESI details would come.

Below shown is the new ESI Online Submission Excel Format that can be used to upload in the ESI portal website.

Blog by BBSPL

Webpay Blog by Mohan

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mail setting for email payslip or leave details through webpay

1. Mail server details configure in company menu
Master==> update company details==> mail & SMS settings

2. For Web config settings:
Same mail server email id in web config file and company details
Blog by BBSPL

For Previous Employee tax not showon on TDS slip

1. Tax setting must be update in software
TAXTATION==> Tax settings
2. After import previous employee income tax then must be process tax.

Blog by BBSPL

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Webpay Deployment

Webpay Deployment

To deploy the Webpay system requirement is mentioned below:

Server with Core 2 Duo Processor
Minimum 2 GB RAM
IIS 5.0 or Greater
Framework 2.0 or Greater
MS SQL Server 2005 or Greater

• MS SQL Express Management Studio which is free edition can also be used.

Blog by BBSPL

Webpay Deployment

Webpay Deployment

To deploy the Webpay system requirement is mentioned below:

Server with Core 2 Duo Processor
Minimum 2 GB RAM
IIS 5.0 or Greater
Framework 2.0 or Greater
MS SQL Server 2005 or Greater

• MS SQL Express Management Studio which is free edition can also be used.

Blog by BBSPL

Webpay Services

Webpay Services and Deployment

Webpay provides most services used in the payroll process. Some of them mentioned below:
i. Attendance & Leave Process: Webpay provide a flexible attendance process. User can manage the attendance with the configuration according to the company requirement. User can manage the day by day or month by month. Webpay also provides a facility to manage the attendance through attendance machine. In Webpay user can manage the leave of the employee as per templates. Employee can submit the leave request from the employee portal and; team leader and/or company user can accept or reject the employee leave request. User can also manage the leave policy by the leave configuration.
ii. Payroll Process: Payroll process in Webpay is designed to process the payroll of the employee individually, group wise, location wise or all in one. The most important method employed here in of the payroll process is, that the options that are used at the time of payroll process for a particular month all get stored in the database so that if in future it is to be checked how the calculations were done for the previous months, it can be checked.
iii. Payroll Unlock: Like payroll process the payroll can be unlocked of the employee individually, group wise, location wise or all in one. Webpay stores the information as to who unlocked the payroll and from which user and from which machine.
iv. Reimbursement Process: Webpay can process the reimbursement either before the salary or after the salary has been processed or along with the salary. It depends on how the reimbursement is processed in a particular company. Once the reimbursement is processed all the values are stored in the database i.e. for each month.
v. Tax Process: The TDS engine has been designed to process the TDS for selected employees or all employees; you can also input the TDS that you wish Webpay to deduct or you can import the TDS after TDS engine has performed its function. This can be done to change the calculated TDS values, but you can also lock this feature if it is not required. All the values are stored in the database even the values where you can talk to Webpay as to how the calculations have been done. Therefore if there is a change in business rule as per Govt. Rules the previous legacy data does not change.
vi. Process to Publish Payslips on ESS: The administrator in Webpay has to give permissions to publish the payslips that are to be viewed in ESS.

Blog by BBSPL